Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pictoral guide to Feb 2009 Board Meeting at Elizabeth's

Pictures paint 1000 words. Add your intepretation to these pics of our last board meeting.

Friday, December 12, 2008


Your role’s title and purpose: President, help Response-Ability ministry clarify its mission, vision, values statement and action plan and carry it all out.

Desired results (over all goals):
  • Eddy and Board are clear about and agree to the mutual mission and plan
  • Some sector of the homeless population is engaged in Response Ability ministries (e.g. the first 6 participants).
  • The ministry has an adaptable plan toward self-sustainability
  • Eddy is getting paid a just salary with benefits

Action steps/plan to achieve desired results, this position includes: (Key actions & levels of initiative*)
  • Create a stewardship agreement for my service (4)
  • Facilitate Board meetings (3)
  • Develop a nomenclature for the Board’s process, for the sake of trust building (3)
  • Meet with Eddy (& Dana) to clarify vision mission values with them (3)
  • Present and propose the results of that/those meeting(s) to the Board (3)
  • Coach Eddy to write a personal action plan/stewardship agreement for his ministry (3)
  • Work with Board to draft an action plan (3)
  • Propose each board member draft a stewardship agreement for their work on the Board. (3)
  • Coach the Board members for stewardship agreements (3)
  • (Help) develop an website for communication purposes, among the Board and to get info out to the public. (3)
  • Promote the ministry to other organizations (5)
  • Further develop my own stewardship agreement as needed (4 or 5)
  • Daily prayer for the ministry
*Levels of initiative:
I-1 Wait to act until told by leader
I-2 Ask before acting
I-3 Recommend an action before acting
I-4 Act and report immediately
I-5 Act and report periodically

Learned trappings to avoid:
  • Setting up unclear expectations or allowing expectations to remain unclear.
  • foraging ahead presumptuously.
  • Failing to take initiative because of fear
  • Failing to think through the direction before proceeding
  • Assuming communication has happened with out double checking.
  • Acting impatiently

Support & Resources: Eddy and Dana, other board members, pastoral coach, beloved, steering team of Gift of Grace.

Duration of service: up to Nov. 2010

Agreement evaluation dates: sometime between March 15-28 2009, also with Eddy as we go.

Accountable to Whom: Eddy & Dana, Board

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Minutes from the Dec 4 Board meeting

RAB Minutes 4 Dec 2008

The meeting was held at the Mosaic Coffee House in a church in Wallingford about a block south of 2nd & 45th. We began after 7 PM and ended around 9 PM.

Members present: Jami Fecher, Dana & Eddy Fowler-Lindner, Alvin Lee, Elizabeth Maupin.

Jami Fecher offered the opening prayer

Introductions followed with a focus on why each person was attracted to serve on the board of Response Ability Builders and what they felt they had to offer. For example, Alvin brings the gift of asking good questions that help to clarify the vision and shape the organization. Jami is good with the process part of conducting meetings, can clarify the passion in words and communicate it beyond the walls of the “board room.” Elizabeth brings a passion for those on the margins and a penchant for taking notes. Eddy has passion, ideas, and a gift for seeing possibilities. (I didn’t get down what Dana said about herself.)

Jami spoke about the need to clarify the mission, vision, values, and the action plan, and then to carry out the plan. “We need to have an adaptable plan that leads toward self-sustainability.” “Eddy needs to be paid.” Jami also advised that we set priorities based on the guiding values and that we step out of crisis mode to evaluate the values. Ultimately, he reminded us, “All great ideas degrade into work.”

Alvin was eager to work on a strategic plan, one that would tell the intent of the organization and how the organization plans to carry out that intent.

Dana favors clearing things up. She noted that Adaptability and sustainability are huge issues.

Alvin suggested that we need attainable benchmarks as we move toward sustainability. The benchmarks and the plan need to stay parallel to the wording of the 501 c 3.

We spoke about some examples of benchmarks, and how taking a benchmark and then working backward to imagine the steps needed to get there would produce a plan. A trained crew is one benchmark. Transfer of property is another benchmark – and one on which we would focus tonight.

We glanced at the minutes of November 10 for items on which updates were needed. The minutes were deemed acceptable as written.

Eddy has had further conversations with Brent Warren of Banner Bank who has been encouraging. The bank is waiting for the pieces to come together.

Contact with WHEEL is being pursued. Elizabeth and Eddy have both left messages for the Rev. Jim Eichner of Holy Cross Episcopal Church in Redmond. We are waiting to hear from PSKS. So, nothing really new to report on those fronts.

Lawrence followed up with Cadman in hopes of getting a gift to help with RAB. The result was an offer to allow RAB to get material at cost. Concrete, for example, would be $80/yd.

* Not reported at the meeting, but important FYI: Eddy and Elizabeth met with Michaela Albon, an attorney who is just starting with a new firm, and asked her to consider participating. She will check with her new employer regarding pro bono, and get back to us.

Strategy and transfer of property
A discussion of strategy for stewardship led directly into a discussion of the possible models for the transfer of title. The Fowler-Lindners prefer the trustee model which not only works for this property but provides a model to use with distressed properties in the future. This model is acceptable to the bank as well. The board approved presenting it to the bank with two contingencies: the stewardship agreement and financing. RAB will seek a guarantor for $25,000 for 2 years.

Follow through
The Fowler-Lindners will discuss the trustee model of land transfer with Brent Warren of Banner Bank and with Michaela Albon, our attorney.

We also need to check on our bylaws to see who is needed to sign an offer.

Minutes submitted by Elizabeth Maupin -- corrections are welcomed!

Gift of Gace Newsletter Article RE: Response Ability Builders

The life of the community that gathers in Jesus’ name should look something like Jesus’ own life looked. So, like Jesus, we worship our unseen Father, we pray and we do the kinds of service to others that Jesus did. Eddy and Dana Fowler-Lindner, seminary classmates of mine, want to bring the face of the church to King County with a ministry that provides three things all at once: 1) providing truly affordable housing 2) training persons to become skilled building contractors, 3) offering low cost development of public land. The ministry is new, innovative, daring and workable. It is called Response Ability Builders.
Eddy’s idea was born when he went to Florida to help people whose housing was destroyed by Hurricane Andrew. Eddy developed and patented a “little house”, built on jigs by volunteers, that met all necessary building codes, was movable, self -contained and eco friendly. Perhaps most staggering of all, volunteers built 300 houses in an average of 17 person hours per house. That’s really fast.
The plan for King County is this: the Fowler-Lindners live in a “little house” (cute and comfortable as can be!) on 10 acres on Tiger Mountain, in Issaquah. They offer this property to Response Ability Builders who is building a larger “earth structure” that will house the first 6 homeless youth. These youth will build a little house village on site, while setting up jigs to build other “little houses” for others. The youth will get to keep their own little house after a period of apprenticeship, which is simultaneously a service to others in two ways: 1) by helping them to learn to build their own homes 2) serve in various Response Ability Builders projects. An example of such a project might be developing a public park for the county or city at a much lower cost than other contractors would need to charge.
The possibilities for this ministry to open up affordable housing are far greater that I can say in this article. I am excited about it and serve as the board’s president. I ask for your prayers for this ministry. I’ll keep you posted about its progress. -- Jami

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Introduction of Jami

Dear Board Members of ResponeAbility Builders.

I’m writing to introduce myself as a new board member appointed by Eddy to facilitate meetings and help focus the efforts of ResponseAbility Builders ministry.

First I am inviting you to a Board meeting on Thursday, December 4th, 6:30-8:30 PM at Mosaic coffee house in Wallingford. (I’ll send information on how to get there, later) Please let me know as soon as you can if this night works for you, if the time works for you and if the location works for you. Eddy told me Starbucks was too noisy. In this coffee shop we’ll have a private room.

Second, I am going to introduce myself. I am a 47 year old father of 4 kids: Valerie is 28 and goes to Pacific Lutheran seminary, Berkeley, Ca, Rachel is 17 and goes to community college in Seattle, Josiah is 15 & in high school in Seattle, Micah is 14 & in middle school. I am divorced and share custody of the kids with their mother. I have a fiancé, also named Valerie. I hope we get married soon. I am pastor at Gift of Grace Lutheran church. I have been here for 12 years, after having served in Stanwood, WA, and Stanton, ND. I play guitar, power walk, and play with my dog. I built a sauna in which I pray and sweat.

Some gifts I bring to the Board are: enthusiasm for the project, ability to articulate and help others articulate, experience clarifying vision, mission and values for a ministry (Gift of Grace), connections in Lutheran circles, sense of humor, willingness to grow, to admit I’m wrong and to listen, ability to understand diverse viewpoints and hold them in tension, boldness, and experience in coaching others to discern their ministry and steward their resources.

I have also started a very simple website for us at http://responseabilitybuilders.blogspot.com If you go there, you’ll see this letter reprinted along with my smirking mug and maybe some other things if I get up to posting them!

I look forward to meeting you and to the ministry we can do together. I think it is remarkable how God is allowing us to participate in ministry that God initially worked out with Eddy and Dana. Now God weaves us in. What an opportunity.

Jami Fecher